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While in-person events are back to the levels that we saw back in early 2020, the team here at Eventnoire is sharing five ways event planners can help produce safe events this fall.

Include a COVID-19 Clause in Your Contract

When signing contracts related to your upcoming event, ensure you are including a cancellation clause that will limit your liability if the city changes its policies or if the venue is shut down. The cancellation clause can also save you from capacity changes or staff limitations that would block the event from taking place.

This will save you tons of headache and back and forth down the line if your event happens to be postponed or cancelled.

Post a COVID-19 Disclaimer

Ensure your guests are fully aware of your COVID-19 plans and policy when sharing information about registering and/or purchasing tickets for your event by adding the disclaimer to your website in a visible and accessible location. The disclaimer should answer questions regarding refunds, what happens if the event is postponed or cancelled, and who to contact if they have additional questions.

Establish Health Requirements For Staff and Attendee Responsibility

If hosting an event at a venue, consider making it a requirement for staff and team members to stay home if they have any COVID-19 symptoms or if they have direct contact with someone who had COVID-19. Additional requirements may also include wearing a mask/face covering, social distancing, proof of vaccination, and/or a negative COVID-19 test within a timeframe that you recommend.

Provide Sanitation Stations

Consider providing hand sanitizing stations to help avoid the spread of germs, especially when there are multiple shared spaces or if there is frequent hand shaking. Ensure that the hand sanitizer is at least 60% alcohol-based.

Adhere to Local Guidelines

Want to know what’s worse than getting a fine or violation from the fire marshal? Getting one from the city or health department.

Keep up with the latest mandates for your area by visiting your city’s website weekly. This is the best way to learn more about mask mandates, vaccination and testing requirements, capacity restrictions and recommendations on how to safely host private events.

Need additional up to date information on COVID-19 and its variants? Visit the COVID-19 information page on the CDC website.

Please note that this is not a substitute for legal or medical advice and is for general information only.